» 公司新闻 » Will there be a second wave of epidemics?



现在, 我国多省份新增确诊病例, 包括湖北、武汉, 已被清除. 李兰娟表示,从这一点来说, 我们的国家已经很安全了. 但现在国外多国疫情已进入爆发期, it is bound to affect our country. 所以, we must be highly vigilant. People from countries with epidemics must be quarantined strictly for 14 天. We must be vigilant. It will be too late to wait until we discover that it is spreading in large quantities.

Can it return to normal after multiple days of zero reset?

Li Lanjuan said that in general, it is safe now. 所以, it is completely possible to return to a normal life. Including everyone’s normal work, resumption of work and school, 等等. 此外, Li Lanjuan believes that many people who are cured after infection have developed antibodies, so the risk of being infected again is relatively low.

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