延迟一年后, 第32届夏季奥运会7月在东京正式开幕 23, 各国运动员纷纷入驻奥运村.
来自世界各地的运动员和观众涌入东京, 给日本防控COVID-19和核酸检测的努力带来巨大压力.
在这种情况下, 日本机场检疫没有选择传统鼻咽拭子采样方法, 但唾液作为COVID-19核酸检测的样本.
我们一般都是做咽拭子取样, “唾液” 核酸检测靠光谱吗? 今天为东京奥运会揭开唾液核酸检测的真相.
在这种检测方法中,, 每个人都有一个试管,他们向其中吐出 1.5 毫升的唾液.
考试前还有个要求: 2 刷牙后数小时. 不要喝, 吃, 吸烟或刷牙 30 考试前几分钟. 在本届奥运会上, 机场和酒店的所有参与者都使用这种方法来检测 COVID-19 .
在五月 2020, 美国. FDA 授予罗格斯大学 COVID-19 唾液测试新的紧急使用授权, 使其成为第一个 FDA 批准的在家中使用的唾液测试. COVID-19唾液检测在大阪正式实施, 六月的日本 6, 2020, 对于有症状的密切接触者 9 发病天数.
之前, COVID-19 测试通常需要从受试者的鼻子或嘴巴深处收集粘液. 然而, 这个动作被认为很容易导致患者咳嗽或打喷嚏, 增加感染风险.
然而, 新的唾液检测方法不再需要工作人员, 并且只需要患者自己采集唾液, 既简单又安全.
最常用的 咽拭子 采集了核酸样本, 关键是收集接触和粘膜的深度和长度, 所以你需要采样研究人员的深度进行长时间采样, and detection of saliva need deep cough later rather than ordinary spit saliva specimen, must do 3 ~ 5 times of deep well, try to discharge the virus in the airway, guarantee the saliva or there is a lot of virus.
According to the current international research, the saliva nucleic acid detection sampling method has a sensitivity reduction rate of 10% 到 20%, but if it is tested continuously for one or two weeks, it can also have a certain effect in principle.
The current research has indeed proved that the sensitivity and specificity of saliva nucleic acid detection are comparable to the most common nucleic acid detection methods of nasopharyngeal swabs.
The McGill University research team published a study in the top international medical journal ACP (Journal of the American College of Physicians). Through a comprehensive analysis of 37 studies on the sensitivity of 鼻咽拭子 and saliva in the detection of COVID-19, the results The conclusion is that saliva sampling seems to be an equally sensitive, safe, and cheaper alternative to nasopharyngeal swabs for nucleic acid testing.
It is worth mentioning that this method of saliva nucleic acid detection has not been used in my country.
现在, laboratory testing of new coronary pneumonia is mainly carried out from two aspects:
One is the pathogenic test, 患者体内的病毒载量因人而异, the COVID-19 nucleic acid test; the other is the serological test, 患者体内的病毒载量因人而异, the COVID-19-specific IgM antibody test.
The former is better for early diagnosis, while the latter is not suitable for early diagnosis. 所以, nucleic acid detection is the most familiar to us.
The principle of saliva nucleic acid detection is the same as that of nasopharyngeal swabs, which are based on real-time fluorescent PCR technology for COVID-19 nucleic acid detection.
Compared with nasopharyngeal swabs, saliva testing has its limitations-it will increase the complexity of processing samples and testing time. 这是因为唾液标本比较粘稠,需要像痰标本一样进行预液化处理, 这增加了检测步骤和时间.
但自从东京 2020 奥运会选择唾液检测, 一定有一定的优势, 患者体内的病毒载量因人而异, 它对时间更敏感.
日本大学与东京医科大学联合研发的新型唾液病毒检测方法只需 19 分钟. 当试样与试剂混合加热时, 阳性测试结果会显示不同的颜色. 现在, 测试团队已经完成 100 实验, 并且该检测方法的准确度可与PCR检测相媲美. 所以, 在将来, 唾液核酸检测可能真的普及使用.