咽拭子 is a detection method to understand the patient’s condition, 口腔粘膜和咽部感染. 咽部可能因机体全身或局部抵抗力等外界因素而受到感染, 这可能会导致疾病. 咽拭子采集咽部和扁桃体的分泌物进行细菌培养或病毒分离, 以便了解患者的病情.
Throat swab sampling process:
1. Instruct the patient to open the mouth at room temperature to fully expose the throat, and use a cotton swab to twist lightly on the uvula, pharyngeal arch or tonsil, and try to get as much secretion as possible.
2. The cotton swab should be inoculated immediately after collecting the specimen. If it cannot be inoculated immediately, it should be placed in the throat swab to transfer the inoculation and culture as soon as possible.
Precautions for collection of throat swab specimens
1. It should be collected before antibiotic treatment.
2. A few hours before the specimen is taken, 不允许用消毒剂或涂抹局部病变来冲洗嘴.
3. 在收集标本之前,请观察病变的位置. 仔细收集病变, 快速准确, 避免触摸舌头和口服粘膜以防止污染.
4. 当怀疑白喉时, 患病的组织 (假膜) 应从喉部收集.
5. 收集扁桃体标本时, 应该选择化脓性斑点. 如果没有明显的假地点, 但是发红和肿胀很明显, 收集窝的分泌物.
6. 收集标本以防止感染时采取预防措施.
7. 建议在早上起床后在进食之前收集它,以避免进食的影响.
8. 当咽有点不舒服时, 没有明显的发红和肿胀, and there are many follicles, it is mostly viral pharyngitis, which is not suitable for throat swab culture.
9. Fill in the application form correctly: In addition to the basic information of the patient, the application form should also indicate the patient’s clinical diagnosis, 症状, whether antibacterial drugs have been used, and the purpose of the test, as well as the time of specimen collection.
10. Specimen submission: throat swab specimens should be submitted within half an hour to avoid dryness due to long submission time. It is best to use a 运输介质 with moisture retention function. Even if a transport medium is used, it should not be stored at room temperature for more than 24 小时.