这 nose swab PCR test for COVID-19 is an accurate and reliable test for diagnosing COVID-19. 阳性测试意味着您可能患有 COVID-19. 阴性测试意味着您在测试时可能没有感染 COVID-19. 如果您有 COVID-19 症状或接触过 COVID-19 检测呈阳性的人,请接受检测.
什么是 COVID-19 PCR 测试?
The polymerase chain reaction (聚合酶链反应) test for COVID-19 is a molecular test that analyzes your upper respiratory specimen, looking for genetic material (ribonucleic acid or RNA) of SARS-CoV-2, 导致 COVID-19 的病毒. Scientists use the PCR technology to amplify small amounts of RNA from specimens into deoxyribonucleic acid (脱氧核糖核酸), which is replicated until SARS-CoV-2 is detectable if present. The PCR test has been the gold standard test for diagnosing COVID-19 since authorized for use in February 2020. It’s accurate and reliable.
COVID-19 PCR 检测的三个关键步骤:
样品采集: 医疗保健提供者使用棉签收集您鼻子中发现的呼吸道物质. 棉签是长长的柔软的尖端, 灵活的棍子进入你的鼻子. There are different types of nose swabs, including nasal swabs that collect a sample immediately inside your nostrils and nasopharyngeal swabs that go further into the nasal cavity for collection. Either type of swab is sufficient for collecting material for the COVID-19 PCR test. 收藏后, the swab is sealed in a tube and then sent to a laboratory.
Extraction: When a laboratory scientist receives the sample, they isolate (extract) genetic material from the rest of the material in the sample.
聚合酶链反应: The PCR step then uses special chemicals and enzymes and a PCR machine called a thermal cycler. Each heating and cooling cycle increases (amplifies) the amount of the targeted genetic material in the test tube. After many cycles, 试管中存在数百万份 SARS-CoV-2 病毒的一小部分遗传物质. 如果样本中存在 SARS-CoV-2,管中的一种化学物质会产生荧光. 一旦放大到足够, PCR机器可以检测到这个信号. 科学家使用特殊软件将信号解释为阳性测试结果.
COVID-19 PCR 检测结果意味着什么?
阳性检测结果意味着您很可能感染了 SARS-CoV-2. 这可能是由于无症状感染, 但如果你有症状, 那么这种感染称为 COVID-19. 大多数人病情较轻,无需医疗护理即可在家中安全康复. 如果您的症状恶化或您有任何疑问或疑虑,请联系您的医疗保健提供者.
阴性检测结果意味着您在采集样本时可能没有感染 SARS-CoV-2. 然而, 可能感染了 COVID-19,但测试未检测到病毒. 患者体内的病毒载量因人而异, 如果您最近被感染但尚未出现症状,则可能会发生这种情况 - 或者如果您在接受检测前感染 COVID-19 超过一周,则可能会发生这种情况. 阴性测试并不意味着您在任何时间内都是安全的: 测试后您可能会接触到 COVID-19, 被感染并将 SARS-Cov-2 病毒传播给他人.
如果您的测试结果呈阳性, 与您的医疗保健提供者交谈, 待在家里,将自己与他人分开. 如果您的测试结果为阴性, 继续采取措施保护自己和他人免于感染 COVID-19.
来源: 克利夫兰诊所