灭菌是利用物理或化学方法消灭包括大量耐药细菌芽孢在内的所有微生物. 使其无菌,避免使用过程中感染和疾病传播.
常见的医疗灭菌方法包括: 干热灭菌, 湿热灭菌, 气体灭菌, 辐射灭菌, 过滤除菌, 等等. 下面简单介绍一下这些灭菌方法
将物品放入干热灭菌柜中 (盒子), 并利用干热空气杀灭微生物或消除致热物质.
适用范围: 玻璃器皿, 金属器皿, 以及耐高温但不宜采用湿热灭菌法灭菌的物品均可采用该方法灭菌。.
Dry heat sterilization conditions are generally (160-170℃)×120min or more, (170-180℃)×60min or more or 250℃×45min or more.
When dry heat sterilization is used, the items to be sterilized should have an appropriate loading method and should not be arranged too densely to ensure the effectiveness and uniformity of sterilization.
The most commonly used biological indicator for dry heat sterilization is Bacillus subtilis spores.
Moist Heat Sterilization
A method of killing microorganisms by placing the items in a sterilizer (pot), and using high-pressure saturated steam to denature the proteins and nucleic acids in the microbial cells. This method has strong sterilization ability and is the most effective and widely used sterilization method in thermal sterilization.
适用范围: buffer solution, culture medium, clean clothes, glassware, 传染性污垢和其他暴露在高温和高湿度下不会改变或损坏的物品.
湿热灭菌通常采用121℃×15min或121℃×30min. 灭菌期间, 灭菌物品应以适当的方式装载, 且不宜排列过密,以保证灭菌的有效性和均匀性.
利用化学消毒剂形成的气体杀灭微生物. 气体灭菌可细分为臭氧灭菌和环氧乙烷灭菌.
1. 臭氧灭菌消毒
臭氧具有很强的杀菌消毒作用. 灭菌消毒的原理是: 常温常压下臭氧分子结构不稳定, 并迅速分解成氧气和单个氧分子. 后者活性强,对细菌有很强的氧化作用. 细菌中氧化葡萄糖所必需的酶, 从而破坏它们的细胞膜, 杀死它.
2. 环氧乙烷灭菌 (排队) 方法
环氧乙烷灭菌是利用环氧乙烷气体进行灭菌的方法。. 是一种传统的灭菌方法,可应用于工作服的灭菌, 医疗器械, 设施, 以及不耐高温灭菌的设备. 环氧乙烷灭菌系统主要有以下四个相互制约灭菌效果的重要因素:
①湿度; ②温度; ③气体浓度; ④灭菌时间.
环氧乙烷具有很强的渗透和扩散能力, 其杀菌机理主要是强氧化, 因此具有杀菌广谱、杀菌能力强的特点, 对微生物繁殖体、芽孢有较强的杀灭作用. .
1. 电离辐射
用电离 X 射线消毒, 伽马射线.
辐照药品和食品的安全问题: 药品或食品的辐射灭菌应经过安全测试. 进行科学、全面的评价是绝对必要的, 高剂量辐射应谨慎使用.
2. 电磁波辐射
(包括紫外线 [wavelength 190~350nm], infrared [wavelength 0.77~1000μm], microwave [wavelength 1~1000mm]).
3. UV Sterilization
When ultraviolet rays irradiate microorganisms, energy transfer and accumulation occurs, and the accumulation results in the inactivation of microorganisms, thereby achieving the purpose of disinfection. When bacteria and viruses absorb a dose of more than 3600~65000uW/c㎡, it has a strong destructive power to the deoxyribonucleic acid (脱氧核糖核酸) and ribonucleic acid (核糖核酸) of bacteria and viruses, which can make bacteria and viruses lose their viability and reproduction. Eliminate bacteria and viruses and achieve the effect of disinfection and sterilization.
Filter Sterilization
Physically remove microorganisms from the medium. Microorganisms and impurities in air or liquid are often filtered with membrane filters made of different materials to obtain sterile, impurity-free air or liquid.
The pore size of the filter membrane for filtering viruses is 25 ~ 100nm; the pore size of the filter membrane for filtering bacteria is 0.22 ~ 0.45μm
After a detailed understanding of these five common sterilization methods, we have compiled a summary table for everyone to distinguish more clearly
The working conditions, scope of application and limitations of various sterilization methods.