» 公司新闻 “ 美国. 疫情呈现担忧趋势

美国. 疫情呈现担忧趋势


美国. 疫情呈现担忧趋势


美国. 疫情呈现担忧趋势, 密歇根州新诊断数量的每周平均每天几乎翻了一番. 单一天几乎翻了一番. 数字朝着错误的方向发展.

路透社报道,在过去的一周中, the average number of new confirmed cases in a single day in the United States was about 60,000, and the figure in mid-September was about 35,000. The number of new cases in a single day in the central and western regions reached a record 27,000 on the 19th, and the number of new crown hospitalizations increased to 10,830 20日, setting a record for 5 consecutive days.

Butler said that the situation of the U.S. 疫情呈现担忧趋势, one of the reasons is that the colder weather lengthens people’s indoor stay time. “Small gatherings of close relatives, friends and close neighbors may lead to increased infections.” In such occasions, people wear masks less or maintain social distance.

In the past week, the average number of new confirmed cases in a single day in Wisconsin reached a record 3444, which is nearly double the number one month ago and five times the number two months ago. New Mexico reported 827 new confirmed cases on the 21st, setting a record again within a week. Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer said on the 21st that since the beginning of this month, 密歇根州新诊断数量的每周平均每天几乎翻了一番. The numbers are developing in thewrong direction”, and Michigan is in adangerous moment.

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