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The source of infection in Tianjin Hailian cold storage is North American pig head At the press conference, Ms. Zhang Ying, deputy director of the Tianjin CDC, introduced the source of infection in Tianjin Hailian cold storage is North American pig head! Crack! The source of infection in Tianjin Hailian cold storage is North American pig head. The first case



Asymptomatic infection in Tianjin turned into confirmed case Red Star News The reporter learned from the Tianjin CDC and Prevention that on November 22, asymptomatic infection in Tianjin turned into confirmed case. 总共 146 cases were reported, 包含 82 males and 64 females; 9 cases were in hospital (包含 2 severe cases and ordinary cases). 6 cases of

4 天津新增本地拭子检测确诊病例

4 天津新增本地拭子检测确诊病例

4 new local confirmed cases in Tianjin According to the China News Network, 4 new local swab tested confirmed cases in Tianjin The movement track of the infected person was announced. According to the official Weibo news of the Information Office of the Tianjin Municipal People’s Government, 在 2:5 am on November 20, the reporter learned from the Municipal Center

天津: 最近, 本地病例感染途径指向从物到人

天津: 最近, 本地病例感染途径指向从物到人

11月7日, 德州市, 山东省在进口冷链产品包装上检测到阳性SARS-COV-2核酸. 11月8日, 天津的新冷储藏室测试了核酸阳性, 这是Covid-19的确认案例. 11月9日, 将无症状患者添加到天津, 谁是卡车司机,去了 …

天津: 新增本地拭子检测病例

天津: 新增本地拭子检测病例

新增本地拭子检测病例, 据北京日报报道,天津进入战时状态: 天津: 新增本地拭子检测病例, 天津已进入战时状态. 天津召开疫情防控新闻发布会. 据悉,从会上 18:00 十一月 7 到 8:00 8号, 局部拭子 …

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