» Tags » Epidemic Situation


谁是 “一号病人” 在河北? 传染源从何而来? 为什么短短几天就增加了几十个案例? 婚宴、村集体活动是否导致聚集性流行? 目前还没有确定的答案. 在一月 2, 2021, 小郭庄村61岁村民, Gaocheng District, 石家庄市被诊断出患有 COVID-19. …

How Can We Feel At Ease During The Spring Festival This Year?

How Can We Feel At Ease During The Spring Festival This Year?

The Epidemic Situation Is Sporadic. How Can We Feel At Ease During The Spring Festival This Year? 作为 10: 00 on the 4th, 总共 45 regions in China were adjusted as medium-risk areas. Shunyi District of Beijing and Shijiazhuang City of Hebei Province entered a “战时状态”, while Dalian appeared super-communication phenomenon. 现在, China’s local epidemic



从 0: 00 到 24: 00 在十月 12, 2020, 有 6 青岛市确诊新型冠状病毒感染的肺炎病例, 其中 2 病例均为无症状感染者; 有 5 新增无症状感染者. 作为 24: 00 在十月 12, 总共 71 青岛市确诊本土新型冠状病毒感染的肺炎病例, 包含 64 治愈出院病例, …

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