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Biden received the second dose of the new crown vaccine

Biden received the second dose of the new crown vaccine

US President-elect Biden received the second dose of the new crown vaccine China News Service, January 12th. According to a comprehensive report, US President-elect Biden received the second dose of the new crown vaccine; The World Health Organization called on all countries to accelerate vaccination. 同时, it said that the world could not achieve herd immunity in

US President-elect Biden publicly vaccinated against COVID-19

US President-elect Biden publicly vaccinated against COVID-19

据美联社报道, 当地时间21日下午, 美国当选总统拜登在特拉华州一家医院公开接种了 COVID-19 疫苗, 希望向公众证明疫苗的安全性. 拜登说: “我这样做是为了表明人们应该在可以接种疫苗时做好准备。” “没有什么可担心的。” 然而, …



根据《人民日报》的海外网络,FAUCI担任首席医疗顾问, 拜登: Fauci已被邀请担任首席医疗顾问,以维持其目前的职位. 海外网络, 12月4日. 在周四接受CNN的采访中 (3路), 美国当选总统拜登说,他已经与安东尼·富奇(Anthony Fauci)进行了交谈, 国家过敏症和传染病研究所所长, 和 …

拜登: 我会毫不犹豫的去打新冠疫苗

拜登: 我会毫不犹豫的去打新冠疫苗

拜登: I will not hesitate to get the new crown vaccine The number of confirmed cases of the new crown in the United States exceeds 11.51 百万! 拜登: I will not hesitate to get the new crown vaccine According to real-time statistics from Worldometers, 作为 3:15 周一下午 (十一月 16), the number of confirmed cases of the new

拜登的 COVID-19 顾问建议封锁该国 4 到 6 周数

拜登的 COVID-19 顾问建议封锁该国 4 到 6 周数

The epidemic has accelerated in the United States. Biden COVID-19 consultant suggested that the country be closed for 4 到 6 周. Despite the recent good news about COVID-19 vaccine, it will take time tosave the economy”. 同时, the latest epidemic in the United States is accelerating. Michael Osterholm, COVID-19 consultant of Joe Biden and director of the Center



拜登竞选团队拭子新冠检测呈阳性 拜登简介 新华社/路透 拜登竞选团队一名成员新冠拭子检测呈阳性,10月与拜登同机 15, 当地时间, 美国民主党总统候选人拜登竞选团队表示,拜登竞选团队的一名工作人员检测了拭子 …

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