Asymptomatic infection in Tianjin turned into confirmed case Red Star News The reporter learned from the Tianjin CDC and Prevention that on November 22, asymptomatic infection in Tianjin turned into confirmed case. 总共 146 cases were reported, 包含 82 males and 64 females; 9 cases were in hospital (包含 2 severe cases and ordinary cases). 6 cases of …
无症状感染者? 我需要做抽样拭子测试吗? 有症状感染和无症状感染是同一枚硬币的两个面. 如果国内无症状感染者较多, 会同时出现很多有症状的感染. 目前上海尚无确诊病例, 所以我回溯说没有无症状的感染 …