口腔自我取样说明 (舌苔, 唾液) 样品
现在, 收集唾液样品进行测试非常受欢迎. 唾液样品收集是一种获得脱氧核糖核酸的方法, 不会对人体造成伤害或痛苦. 唾液中含有大量唾液细胞DNA, 可以大大扩展基因研究的采样范围. Collecting process of saliva collector: 不要吃, 喝, smoke or chew gum 30 minutes before collecting saliva samples. 请勿撕下漏斗盖上的塑料薄膜. Before throwing up, 放松脸颊并轻轻揉捏 30 产生唾液的秒数.
唾液采集装置配备冷冻保存, 唾液采集协助和样本采集说明, 并且可以随时在现场使用. Saliva collector is a new and easy-to-use device for collecting deoxyribonucleic acid saliva, which can stabilize deoxyribonucleic acid in 2ml and 5ml saliva samples for a long time. The collector is pre-installed, 并且有一个简单的螺旋漏斗, which can deliver saliva directly to the nontoxic and stable buffer solution. Saliva collection tube clearly shows the required amount of saliva, then remove the funnel and cover it. 独特的漏斗设计,防止回流, 并且该设备完全针对样品运输和储存. Saliva sample collection is a harmless and painless method for obtaining deoxyribonucleic acid. 此方法不会给被采集者带来任何不适, 并能大大扩展基因研究的采样范围. Parental identification and genetic testing sampling can be carried out at home, 可以预测孩子未来的发展方向. It can detect genetic diseases and chronic diseases. Saliva sample collection is a harmless and painless method for obtaining genes. 此方法不会给被采集者带来任何不适, 并且很容易被接受, so it can greatly expand the sampling range of DNA gene research. A convenient way to collect genetic test samples is saliva, 这是一个唾液收集装置, and then blood.