Operation method for collecting throat swab
1.Nurses should check the doctor’s advice, 准备好所有的使用物品, 给他们贴上标签, 并注明部门, 病房, 床位, 姓名, 住院号, 检查目的, 检查日期, 等等.
2.准备好所有使用的物品, 把他们带到床上, 检查病人, 并解释采集咽拭子标本的目的和方法, so as to get the patient’s cooperation and eliminate tension.
3.点亮酒精灯, instruct the patient to open his mouth and pronounce “啊” 声露喉咙, 必要时使用压舌板.
4.Take out the sterile long cotton swab from the throat swab, 并迅速擦拭腭弓的分泌物, 两侧咽扁桃体.
5. 用酒精灯对喷嘴和塞子进行消毒, 将棉签插入培养管并盖紧.
6.再检查一遍, 安置病人, 和干净的东西.
7.洗手, 记录, 并及时将样品连同检验单一起送检.
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