» 产品 » 运输介质 » Transport Swab


MEIDIKE GENE offers a comprehensive range of transport swabs designed for the safe collection, preservation, and transportation of microbial specimens. Our transport swabs are pre-filled with specialized media to maintain the viability of bacteria and other microorganisms, 确保准确的诊断结果. Available in 斯图尔特, 卡里-布莱尔, and Amies media, these swabs are widely used in clinical, 实验室, and research applications. They feature sterile packaging, high-quality swab materials, and leak-proof transport tubes to meet stringent medical and laboratory standards.

  • 关于我们

    医药科技有限公司, 有限责任公司. 是中国医疗用品的专业制造商, 我们生产和销售尼龙植绒棉签, VTM套件, 唾液收集套件和 CHG 拭子 & 涂抹器.

  • 联系我们

    地址: 房间 201, 301 和 401 A座10号, 宝龙五路, 同乐社区, 宝龙街, 龙岗区,深圳, 粤, 中国.

    网络: www.medicoswab.com

    电话号码: +86 0755-28997664

    电子邮件: info@medicoswab.com