Pharynx swab are made with medical swabs, 从人体的喉咙中浸入少量分泌物. 取样的样品是喉咙拭子. 为了测试呼吸系统疾病的类型, 喉咙拭子可用于快速准确地检测病毒类型.
Pharynx swab secretions were detected in pathogens, then as respiratory tract infection. Can be combined with other tests (X-ray, B ultrasound, 等等。) diagnosis of respiratory tract infection site. Such as the culture of yeast is to consider whether to use inappropriate or excessive use of antibiotics during the infection, should immediately stop using antibiotics, the switch to antifungal drugs, such as amphotericin B, griseofulvin, clotrimazole and so on.