Nasal swabs Nasopharyngeal swabs for Influenza Specimen Collection What is the difference between nasal swab and nasopharyngeal swab? 由尼龙植绒纤维制成, 他们是一样的, 植绒棉签. 用于流感标本采集. 流感是全球急性呼吸道疾病的主要原因,在一个典型季节导致全世界数千人死亡. Influenza patients are …
Nasopharyngeal and Oropharyngeal Swabbing for the Detection of Influenza Virus This is a flu season, 许多人去医院接受流感检查. 医生使用医疗拭子, 像羊群一样, 棉签, 泡沫棉签, 进行鼻咽和口咽的病毒采样. 医生选择哪些工具将影响检查结果和检查速度. We suggest you use Nasopharyngeal …
肺癌仍是头号癌症杀手, 一旦被发现, 已经太迟了. New research suggests that a simple nasal swab could accurately determine whether a patient has lung cancer. 许多被诊断为良性的患者都接受了侵入性医疗程序, 例如手术肺活检, CT. But the new study found a genomic tool that would …