Nylon flocking swab The advantages of Medico Nylon flocking swab: 快速地, 简单又便宜. 产品特点: A. 拭子头: 尼龙植绒 (人造合成纤维) 其构造是为了避免普通棉花对细菌和病毒生长的抑制作用; 用于鼻咽采样, DNA 口腔采样和粪便采样, 等等。, it can increase the amount of specimen collection …
Oral swabs Oral swab sampling is the best and easiest way to collect DNA samples from painless, 安全卫生的方法. 如果做得正确, 获得的样本量足够. The sample steps are as follows: 1. Before sampling Please don’t eat anything 30 采样前几分钟. 如果你吸烟, 采样前用水漱口. 2. Sampling of …
Genital Chlamydia trachomatis It is a common sexually transmitted disease pathogens, 一旦感染可引起多种疾病, 尤其是对于女性来说伤害很大. 可能会引起尿道炎. 宫颈炎, 盆腔炎, 可能会因不孕症而变得复杂. 在临床发展中较为隐蔽, 病人被感染了却不自知, 可以持续一年到几年。因此, the diagnosis of …
您将获得一些关于鼻植绒拭子标本采集的信息,用于在医院环境中筛查 MRSA. This article is from a professional flocked swabs manufacturer in China, 医生. MRSA: 耐甲氧西林金黄色葡萄球菌是临床常见的剧毒细菌, and has become one of the most important pathogens in hospital and …
鼻咽部 (Np) Swabs And Throat Swab For Viral Respiratory Infections There will be all kinds of bacteria parasitic in the mouth, 因为我们通过嘴呼吸和进食. 比如卡肯, 多种葡萄球菌, 各种链球菌, 白喉样细菌, 肺炎克雷伯菌和大肠杆菌. 大肠杆菌等. 还有厌氧菌, 比如消化细菌, 拟杆菌和酵母菌. You …
People’s had normal pharyngeal flora. Pharyngeal bacteria are from the outside world, under normal circumstances will not lead to disease, but when the human body or local resistance to decline and other external factors, it maybe cause infection and other diseases. 鼻口咽拭子用于咽部疾病的诊断. The naso oropharyngeal swabs can isolate the pathogens, contribute …
Nasal swabs Nasopharyngeal swabs for Influenza Specimen Collection What is the difference between nasal swab and nasopharyngeal swab? 由尼龙植绒纤维制成, 他们是一样的, 植绒棉签. 用于流感标本采集. 流感是全球急性呼吸道疾病的主要原因,在一个典型季节导致全世界数千人死亡. Influenza patients are …