Comparison of chlorhexidine sterilized swabs and povidone-iodine swabs The disinfectants commonly used for disinfection of blood vessel indwelling needle cap are ethanol or iodophor. 这两种消毒剂的杀菌机理是使微生物蛋白质凝固变性, 从而杀死细菌. 最近几年, 复方氯己定乙醇消毒剂的临床使用启动. 三个消毒处理组, …
nylon flocking swab Product advantage: The nylon flocking swab was used in the collection system, 对微生物无害, 并能最大程度地增加标本采集和放行量. A large number of clinical experiments show that nylon flocking swab has better effect on the collection and delivery of clinical microbial specimens than ordinary sterile …
Vaginal specimen collection There are many gynecological examination methods, this article introduces a common detection method. Vaginal secretion samples were collected within 24 hours before the ban on sexual intercourse, bath, vaginal lavage and local medication, so as not to affect the test results.The subjects were exposed to the bladder lithotomy position, vaginal vaginal speculum. Materials used …
Flocking Swab Features: Ergonomic and Anatomic Design Superior Sample Elution Rapid Absorption ( Improved Sample Collection ) Increased Assay Sensitivity Simply Collect, Snap and Ship Quantitative Volume Transfer Perpendicular Nylon Fibers Certified Free Of Inhibitors And Interference Highly Suited To Automation Medico flocking swab FS-N96000 specimens is the best sampling tool for nasopharyngeal carcinoma …
Molecular detection application With the advent of molecular detection, clinical diagnostic tests are increasingly quantified. 然而, the collection and preservation of biological samples is fundamentally regarded as qualitative analysis, neglect or underestimation. 所以, it is a breakthrough innovation to use the flocking process of CFT in the adoption of equipment, which has revolutionized the collection of biological samples and the …
Nylon flocking swab The advantages of Medico Nylon flocking swab: 快速地, 简单又便宜. 产品特点: A. 拭子头: 尼龙植绒 (人造合成纤维) 其构造是为了避免普通棉花对细菌和病毒生长的抑制作用; 用于鼻咽采样, DNA 口腔采样和粪便采样, 等等。, it can increase the amount of specimen collection …