» 公司新闻 » How to Activate a Chlorhexidine Applicator



氯己定是医疗机构中广泛使用的皮肤消毒防腐剂. 氯己定最常见的形式之一是涂抹器, 方便又有效. 本指南将引导您完成正确激活和使用洗必太涂抹器的步骤.

Understanding Chlorhexidine Applicators

Chlorhexidine applicators are pre-filled with an antiseptic solution. These applicators are designed to ensure the precise application of the solution to the intended area, minimizing waste and promoting better hygiene.

单击此处查看 MEIDIKE GENE Chlorhexidine Applicator

Step-by-Step Guide to Activating a Chlorhexidine Applicator

步 1: Prepare the Area

Before activating your chlorhexidine applicator, ensure the area where it will be applied is clean and dry. Remove any visible dirt or debris to maximize the effectiveness of the antiseptic.

步 2: Remove the Applicator from Its Packaging

Carefully open the packaging of the chlorhexidine applicator. Avoid touching the applicator tip to maintain its sterility. Dispose of the packaging responsibly.

步 3: Activate the Applicator

Most chlorhexidine applicators require a simple activation process:

1. Hold the applicator upright: Make sure the applicator is vertical, with the solution reservoir at the bottom.

2. Crush the inner ampoule: Squeeze the applicator to crush the inner ampoule containing the chlorhexidine solution. You may hear a snapping sound.

3. Allow the solution to saturate the applicator tip: Once the ampoule is crushed, the solution will flow into the applicator tip. Wait a few seconds to ensure the tip is fully saturated.

步 4: Apply the Chlorhexidine Solution

Gently apply the saturated applicator tip to the intended area. Use a back-and-forth motion to ensure even coverage. Avoid excessive pressure to prevent skin irritation.

步 5: Dispose of the Applicator

After use, immediately dispose of the applicator in a designated medical waste container. Do not attempt to reuse the applicator.

Tips for Safe and Effective Use

  • 阅读说明书: Always read and follow the manufacturer’s instructions specific to your chlorhexidine applicator.
  • Avoid Contamination: Do not touch the applicator tip or allow it to come into contact with non-sterile surfaces.
  • Monitor for Reactions: Observe the treated area for any signs of adverse reactions, such as redness or swelling.


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    医药科技有限公司, 有限责任公司. 是中国医疗用品的专业制造商, 我们生产和销售尼龙植绒棉签, VTM套件, 唾液收集套件和 CHG 拭子 & 涂抹器.

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