病毒输送介质供疾控部门、临床部门用于传染性病原微生物监测采样. 适用于采集流感病毒, 手足口病病毒, 麻疹和风疹病毒,包括新型冠状病毒.
就新型冠状病毒核酸检测而言, 应首先收集样本. Conventional sample types include throat swab, nose swab, 痰, 支气管灌洗液, alveolar lavage fluid, 等等. Virus transport medium is a RNase-free storage tube used in sampling, which is used to transport nasopharyngeal swab specimens or tissue specimens at specific positions from the sampling site to the detection laboratory for PCR extraction and detection.
The virus transport medium consists of swab, sampling tube and sampling liquid, and the sampling liquid includes Hank’s liquid base, 庆大霉素, 真菌抗生素, 牛血清白蛋白 (V), cryoprotectant, biological buffer and amino acids. Adding BSA (the fifth component of bovine serum albumin), 4- hydroxyethyl piperazine ethanesulfonic acid (HEPES) and other virus stabilizing components on the basis of Hank’s can maintain virus activity in a wide temperature range, reduce virus decomposition speed and improve the positive rate of virus isolation.
If there is a lack of virus transport medium, the first sampling step of nucleic acid detection in novel coronavirus cannot be completed, which will prevent many patients from being diagnosed and treated at the first time, thus affecting the smooth progress of epidemic prevention and control.
现在, everyone is responsible for the epidemic. 深圳市麦迪科生物医药科技有限公司, 有限公司, as a leader in the medical device manufacturing industry, 专业生产无菌采样拭子, 植绒棉签 (植绒棉签或植绒棒), 咽拭子, 微生物采样棒, DNA口腔拭子, 消毒海绵拭子, CHG 洗必泰涂药器, 唾液收集器或唾液收集器, 和细胞保存液. 其应用领域包括医学DNA采样, 口腔取样, 病毒检测, 鼻咽取样, and virus and bacteria sampling The product quality has been verified by customers in the diagnostic field to meet customer needs, which can provide high-quality raw materials for testing in SARS-CoV-2 and help win the battle of epidemic prevention and control.