DNA口腔拭子采样 (脱落的口腔细胞/脱落的口腔细胞DNA) 是一个简单的, 无痛、非侵入性的样本采集方法.
适合基因检测, 法医部门, 司法鉴定机构, 医院, 大学, 研究机构, 等等.
特别适合犯罪嫌疑人, 受害者, 当事人及现场大量血样采集, 保存和检验.
基因检测 DNA 口腔拭子采样套件 (含有 DNA 采样拭子, 口腔细胞保存液, 条形码, 返回袋)
步 1: 请打开包装,取出两根DNA口腔拭子,采集双颊口腔粘膜细胞.
样品回邮袋一, 实验室冷冻专用条码.
步 2: 注意.
将条形码粘贴在指定位置. 30 采样前几分钟, 不要吃, 抽烟, 胶, 酒精, 等等.
步 3: 撕开DNA口腔拭子的包装,小心取出DNA口腔拭子.
握住手柄, 将棉签插入口腔左侧.
用刷牙的力量上下擦拭, 同时, 旋转拭子, 使拭子头充分接触口腔粘膜.
重复这个动作 30 次.
步 4: 采样完成后将口腔细胞脱落的拭子置于清洁通风处.
Or put the collected sample into the cell preservation liquid collection tube and put it back into the collection tube to complete the sampling.
Put the collection tube into the sample return bag.
步 5: Register your relevant information: 姓名, 性别, 年龄, collection date, disease, 等等。, on the label on the front of the zip locking bag.
And the zip lock bag with the collection tube and the registration form for inspection transport to the sampling and testing company at room temperature.
Please do not eat, 抽烟, 喝, or chew gum within 30 采样前几分钟.
Do not touch the swab head with other parts of the hand.