位于深圳,深圳市麦迪科科技有限公司是一家专注于生产无菌采样拭子的医疗器械公司, 植绒棉签 (植绒棉签或植绒棒), 咽拭子, 微生物采样棒, DNA口腔拭子, 消毒海绵拭子, CHG 洗必泰涂药器, 唾液收集器或唾液收集器, 细胞保存液, 其应用领域包括医学DNA采样, 口腔取样, 病毒检测, 鼻咽取样, 病毒和细菌采样, 实验室取样, 基因取样, gynecological cervical sampling and other disposable nylon flocking.
The throat swab of the company has the following features,
1.The unique injection nylon fiber implantation technology increases the collection and release of specimens.
2.The total length of swab is 14.5cm, and the plastic rod has a unique breakable design.
3. The fluff texture can collect more target analytes.
4. there is no specimen residual quantity, 并加速标本处理.
5. The swab is sterilized and packaged independently. Sterile swab in independent package.