新医疗 植绒尼龙拭子, 采用国际先进技术, 创新尼龙纤维技术配合高科技喷涂技术制成.
先进工艺技术打造样本采集头,提高患者舒适度, 尤其是与人体接触不敏感的部位疼痛, 解除产生的痛苦, 而皮肤和粘膜组织同时无损伤, 而且也减少了采集标本时可能出现的出血情况.
植绒尼龙拭子 与传统材料采样拭子相比, 由于植绒尼龙拭子的高效率和高释放性能优势,可直接减少患者重复采样, from the laboratory to check, repeated treatment, due to the diagnosis is unknown and delayed treatment And so on the cost, 所以, high-performance flocking nylon swab can directly reduce the patient’s medical costs.
All the sampling swabs are disposable.