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Specimen Collection dry flocked Swab Specimen Collection swab is divided into dry flocked swab and wet flocked swab compositionPlastic applicator,Sterile swabs in a dry tube Dry flocked swabs for mold or bacteria testing 1 Wear suitable gloves 2 Remove the swab from the tube (if using a swab with a wetting agent, remove most of it from both sides


sterile germ swab testing kit germ swab testing kit includes one sampling swab + 一根试管 + 细胞保存液,我们的即用型套件用于监测难以到达的区域. Our Sampling swabs and Swab Test Kit simplify routine microbiological analysis of surfaces for bioburden levels of bacteria, 酵母, 或模具. This technique eliminates the cumbersome and expensive hardware


chlorhexidine swab sticks A mixed disinfectant of gluconic acid and isopropanol is made up of medical isopropanol, 葡萄糖酸氯己定溶液和水注射液. 医用异丙醇的重量为 65% 到 75%, 氯己定溶液的重量为 2% – 3%, 其余用于注射. 可作为医院日常医用消毒液, used for cleaning


什么是植绒拭子 ? Medico® 植绒拭子采用垂直尼龙纤维,可优化标本采集和洗脱到传输介质中. 植绒棉签还具有模制断点,可让您安全轻松地折断棉签, 并且有几个断点选项可用于不同的管子. 植绒拭子定义: Nylon flocking swabs are widely used for bacteriological sample
口腔采样拭子, 鼻咽拭子, 鼻拭子

口腔采样拭子, 鼻咽拭子, 鼻拭子

Oral swab sample method Oral sampling swabs, 鼻咽拭子, nasal swabs When you do a paternity test, 我们建议您首选口腔拭子样本,因为它是一种非侵入性采样方法,适合所有年龄段的人. 口腔拭子制备的样品制备: 医用口腔采样拭子 (植绒拭子), 干净的纸信封. 1, holding a Oral


消毒海绵涂抹器Medico研发生产的CHG消毒海绵涂抹器MSS707、MS708系列主要由海绵头塑料杆组成 + 解决方案 (2% 中华民国集团 + 70% 国际音标). 棉签头是海绵, 纤维, 吸水泡沫, 和涤纶. 它们应该是柔软有弹性的白色. 没有斑点, 污渍和异物. 无臭无味. 拭子头是 …


A new type of medical sampling swab Medico oral sampling swab is a new type of medical sampling swab, 采用国际先进技术, 创新的尼龙纤维技术结合高科技喷涂技术. 采集过程中不会产生患者的痛苦,提高患者的舒适度. 尤其, contact with sensitive parts of the body


Rectal intestinal sampling swab The health of the rectum affects a person’s daily life, 所以使用直肠采样拭子进行医学采样非常重要! 直肠取样注意事项 (升) 考试前, 肛门穿孔的存在, 肛裂, 肛瘘要注意观察. (2) 直肠采样拭子可触及肿块, fingertip blood or


Microbial Surface Sampling In medicine, many diseases must be researched on DNA extraction of microorganisms. 所以, the production of flocking swabs for clinical medicine must be performed with due diligence to ensure effective test results! Medico® microbiological sampling swab are widely used in medical experiments. Last week, a research institute that did a human gene database found us to cooperate with


Flocked swab Sample flocking swabs consist of nylon staple fluff and medical grade ABS plastic rods. 尼龙短纤维就像一把软刷, 可有效提高细胞材料的收集; 纤维间的毛细运动形成强大的水压, 摄入液体样本; 同时, the sample closely adheres to the surface


Sexually transmitted disease test swab Sexually transmitted diseases are common and must be diagnosed and treated as soon as possible. 其中, 淋病是最常见的性传播疾病. 诊断基于疾病的症状以及原始感染史. It is also necessary to extract secretions from infected persons
口腔拭子 DNA 样本采集

口腔拭子 DNA 样本采集

DNA sample collection tool Buccal swab DNA samples collected can be quickly and efficiently extracted oral epithelial cells for the forensic science DNA testing and DNA database construction provides a standardized standard, 便于使用, 低成本高效的DNA样本采集工具,提高检测成功率. Medico® oral buccal swab is an important tool for DNA sample collection
  • 关于我们

    医药科技有限公司, 有限责任公司. 是中国医疗用品的专业制造商, 我们生产和销售尼龙植绒棉签, VTM套件, 唾液收集套件和 CHG 拭子 & 涂抹器.

  • 联系我们

    地址: 房间 201, 301 和 401 A座10号, 宝龙五路, 同乐社区, 宝龙街, 龙岗区,深圳, 粤, 中国.

    网络: www.medicoswab.com

    电话号码: +86 0755-28997664

    电子邮件: info@medicoswab.com