» 公司新闻 » Collection Of Throat Swab Specimens





1. 看看医生的建议, 将标签贴在样本容器上, 并将物品带到患者床上.

2. 检查患者并解释进行咽拭子培养的目的和方法.

3. 点亮酒精灯, instruct the patient to open his mouth to make “啊” 声音, and expose his throat. Wipe the secretions on both sides of palatal arch, pharynx and tonsil with a sensitive and gentle movement with a long sterilized cotton swab in the culture tube.

4. After taking it, disinfect the mouth of the test tube on the flame of alcohol lamp, then insert the cotton swab into the test tube and plug it tightly.

5. Timely inspection.


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    医药科技有限公司, 有限责任公司. 是中国医疗用品的专业制造商, 我们生产和销售尼龙植绒棉签, VTM套件, 唾液收集套件和 CHG 拭子 & 涂抹器.

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