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植绒拭子批发 深圳市麦迪科科技有限公司, 有限责任公司. 专业生产一次性医用采样拭子, 例如病毒采样拭子, 宫颈取样拭子, 咽喉采样拭子, 鼻拭子取样, 口腔采样拭子, 女性病毒采样刷, 妇科宫颈取样刷, 保鲜液, 皮肤外用涂抹器, 微生物采样保存, 阴道取样和其他一次性产品. 两种咽喉采样拭子 …

使用 Medico 样本拭子通过 Q-PCR 定量检测病毒和细菌性疾病

使用 Medico 样本拭子通过 Q-PCR 定量检测病毒和细菌性疾病

使用 Medico 的样本拭子使用 Q-PCR 定量检测病毒和细菌性疾病 Medico Technology 拥有先进的实验室来开发不断扩展的传输介质设备. 采样拭子是 Medtec 于 2019 年推出的第二款传输介质设备 2016. 这种液体早已被批准用于长时间将细菌输送到实验室. 今天, 技术越来越依赖微生物 …



Disposable Sampling Flocked Sticks-Precautions MEDICO disposable sampling flocked Sticks is made of nylon staple fiber fluff and medical grade ABS plastic rod. The role of nylon staple fibers is like a soft brush that can effectively improve the collection of cell material; the capillary movement between fibers forms a powerful hydraulic pressure, 摄入液体样本; the sample is



The advantages of the virus sample swab Virus sampling swab: 对于流感, 猪流感, 禽流感, 手, 手足口及其他呼吸道和肠道病毒鼻咽喉采样. 产品成分: ⑴尼龙植绒. 第三, 产品特点: ①采用国际通用、方便灭菌的纸塑包装. ② γ射线灭菌, 以确保无菌. ③ …



Disposable Flocking nylon swabs New medical flocking nylon swabs, 采用国际先进技术, 创新尼龙纤维技术配合高科技喷涂技术制成. 先进工艺技术打造样本采集头,提高患者舒适度, 尤其是与人体接触不敏感的部位疼痛, 解除产生的痛苦, while the skin and

尼龙植绒拭子可以改善 DNA 提取和基因分型发布

尼龙植绒拭子可以改善 DNA 提取和基因分型发布

尼龙植绒拭子, this new generation of swabs have a sample size that is particularly sensitive with a high sensitivity and is ideal for sample collection Sample collection is a critical step in clinical and forensic applications, and problems may arise in the test due to the lack of sufficient samples for all the necessary tests The new nylon flocked

CHG 拭子棒

CHG 拭子棒

CHG 拭子棒产品说明: 葡萄糖酸氯己定无菌棉签 溶液含量: 2% CHG 和 70% 国际音标, 正纯溶液3ml (根据客户要求) 项目编号: SS-FS708-2C7I 包装: 50 包 / 盒子单独包装 (1 件 / 包)               CHG 拭子棒:和 2% 葡萄糖酸氯己定 70% 异丙醇作为术前制剂 …



DNA oral swabs are among the most common and effective methods for forensic pathologists to establish or refute links between suspect box and crime scene. This is a reference sample of oral buccal cells collected by touching the site of the crime, DNA evidence, and different suspects, and investigators can undoubtedly link the suspect to the crime scene and distinguish it. …



流感是威胁人类健康的最常见陷阱之一. 越早发现, 对我们的待遇越有利. (流感标本采集植绒拭子) 现在, 流感病毒的实验室诊断方法, 包括直接检测抗原, 通过细胞培养分离病毒株, 通过 RT-PCR 检测病毒 RNA, 和检测血清抗体. The following

用于 MRSA 筛查的鼻拭子

用于 MRSA 筛查的鼻拭子

您将获得一些关于鼻植绒拭子标本采集的信息,用于在医院环境中筛查 MRSA. This article is from a professional flocked swabs manufacturer in China, 医生. MRSA: 耐甲氧西林金黄色葡萄球菌是临床常见的剧毒细菌, and has become one of the most important pathogens in hospital and

鼻咽部 (Np) 和病毒性呼吸道感染的咽拭子

鼻咽部 (Np) 和病毒性呼吸道感染的咽拭子

鼻咽部 (Np) Swabs And Throat Swab For Viral Respiratory Infections There will be all kinds of bacteria parasitic in the mouth, 因为我们通过嘴呼吸和进食. 比如卡肯, 多种葡萄球菌, 各种链球菌, 白喉样细菌, 肺炎克雷伯菌和大肠杆菌. 大肠杆菌等. 还有厌氧菌, 比如消化细菌, 拟杆菌和酵母菌. You



People’s had normal pharyngeal flora. Pharyngeal bacteria are from the outside world, under normal circumstances will not lead to disease, but when the human body or local resistance to decline and other external factors, it maybe cause infection and other diseases. 鼻口咽拭子用于咽部疾病的诊断. The naso oropharyngeal swabs can isolate the pathogens, contribute

  • 关于我们

    医药科技有限公司, 有限责任公司. 是中国医疗用品的专业制造商, 我们生产和销售尼龙植绒棉签, VTM套件, 唾液收集套件和 CHG 拭子 & 涂抹器.

  • 联系我们

    地址: 房间 201, 301 和 401 A座10号, 宝龙五路, 同乐社区, 宝龙街, 龙岗区,深圳, 粤, 中国.

    网络: www.medicoswab.com

    电话号码: +86 0755-28997664

    电子邮件: info@medicoswab.com