A new type of medical sampling swab Medico oral sampling swab is a new type of medical sampling swab, 采用国际先进技术, 创新的尼龙纤维技术结合高科技喷涂技术. 采集过程中不会产生患者的痛苦,提高患者的舒适度. 尤其, contact with sensitive parts of the body …
Microbial Surface Sampling In medicine, many diseases must be researched on DNA extraction of microorganisms. 所以, the production of flocking swabs for clinical medicine must be performed with due diligence to ensure effective test results! Medico® microbiological sampling swab are widely used in medical experiments. Last week, a research institute that did a human gene database found us to cooperate with …
One time flocked swab Sampling swabs, 也称为采样拭子, 一次性采样拭子 , 是一次性无菌医疗取样用品. Medico一次性采样拭子全部由无菌灭菌厂生产, 不含细菌,非常卫生. Medico® 采样拭子特点: 1 使用方便的万能杀菌纸塑包装 2 辐射灭菌,确保无菌 3 独立包装, easy …
DNA sample collection tool Buccal swab DNA samples collected can be quickly and efficiently extracted oral epithelial cells for the forensic science DNA testing and DNA database construction provides a standardized standard, 便于使用, 低成本高效的DNA样本采集工具,提高检测成功率. Medico® oral buccal swab is an important tool for DNA sample collection
Linchuan significance Pharynx swab are made with medical swabs, dipping a small amount of secretions from the throat of the human body. The samples taken are throat swabs. In order to test the types of respiratory diseases, throat swabs can be used to detect the virus type quickly and accurately. Pharynx swab secretions were detected in pathogens, then as respiratory …
Discussion on Bacterial oral swab study There are many kinds of bacteria in the mouth of the human body. 口腔区的正常菌群对维持宿主的正常正常功能起着一定的作用. 然而, 当宿主的一般抵抗力和局部免疫力低下时,正常菌群中的一些细菌也会引起疾病. …
洗必泰酒精消毒拭子 美国研究人员完成洗必泰酒精和聚维酮碘在手术切口消毒中的作用研究完成的研究发表在NEnglJMed杂志上研究对象: 六家医院的 89 名患者随机接受清洁手术和污染手术,根据接受的消毒剂类型分为两组: 洗必太醇 (/ 1 = …
刑事案件中的DNA提取方法, 大多数盗窃案件具有高发、低破案率的特点, 犯罪分子的反侦察意识逐渐增强. 犯罪的时候, 鞋套, 经常使用手套和头盔给现场取证带来一定的困难 . 对于阳台盗窃案件, …