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137 喀什新增无症状病例拭子检测感染

137 喀什新增无症状病例拭子检测感染

137 new cases of asymptomatic swabs to detect infections in Kashgar Chengdu Commercial Daily Red Star News Kashgar added 137 asymptomatic swabs to detect infections! 专家: The epidemic may be related to the drop in local temperature On the evening of October 25, the Press Office of the People’s Government of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region held a press conference on

Get Close To The Throat Swab Collector: No Matter How Dangerous It Is, Go Forward Bravely

Get Close To The Throat Swab Collector: No Matter How Dangerous It Is, Go Forward Bravely

The diagnosis, cure and discharge of pneumonia patients in COVID-19 are inseparable from nucleic acid detection, and the collection of throat swab is a key step of nucleic acid detection. When patients receive throat swab collection, they need to open their mouths to expose the throat, and the exhaled gases are probably aerosols and droplets containing viruses. As you can

美国. 疫情呈现担忧趋势

美国. 疫情呈现担忧趋势

美国. Epidemic Shows Trend of Worry Beijing Daily Client The U.S. 疫情呈现担忧趋势, the weekly average of the number of new diagnoses in Michigan on a single day has nearly doubled. single day has nearly doubled. The numbers are developing in the wrong direction. Reuters reported that in the past week, the average number of new

关于 DNA/RNA 病毒运输介质我们需要了解什么?

关于 DNA/RNA 病毒运输介质我们需要了解什么?

评论: 1. 禁止采集人员直接接触采样液. 2. 采样前禁止用采样液浸泡拭子. 3. 该产品为二次产品, 仅用于收藏, 临床病毒标本的运输和保存, 且不得超出预期用途使用. 4. 产品 …

口腔自我取样说明 (舌苔, 唾液) 样品

口腔自我取样说明 (舌苔, 唾液) 样品

口腔自我取样说明 (舌苔, 唾液) samples At present, it is very popular to collect saliva samples for testing. Saliva sample collection is a method to obtain deoxyribonucleic acid, which will not cause harm or pain to human body. 唾液中含有大量唾液细胞DNA, 可以大大扩展基因研究的采样范围. Collecting



中国抗击疫情成功的原因是什么? 现在, 全球疫情大爆发、进展迅速. 确诊病例数和病死率大幅上升. 世界各国应充分学习中国经验. The most fundamental reason for the effective control of the national epidemic is the strong



DNA唾液采集装置的使用及注意事项 (1) 用清水漱口,保持口腔清洁 (2) 吐到收集器中 (3) 添加稳定剂并移出漏斗. (4) 唾液中的DNA样本可以在室温下保存超过 2 拧紧盖子并反复翻转以保持数年 5-7 次. 并维护 …

New crown vaccination in Shaoxing Zhejiang

New crown vaccination in Shaoxing Zhejiang

绍兴新冠疫苗接种, 浙江: 200 yuan per shot China Economic Weekly Published: 10-21 中国经济周刊公众号, creator in the financial field According to Zhejiang Shaoxing Municipal Health Commission, 浙江绍兴开放新冠疫苗紧急接种登记: 200 yuan per injection China Economic Weekly-Economic Net News October 20, Zhejiang Shaoxing City Health Commission

特朗普致电博士. 福奇是一场灾难

特朗普致电博士. 福奇是一场灾难

特朗普致电博士. 福奇是一场灾难 2020-10-20 On the 19th local time, [Contradictions intensified in public! Trump called Dr. Fauci adisasterand also called him anidiot”] Fox News released a recording of a phone call by US President Trump. Trump criticized Fauci, an infectious disease expert, as adisaster.Trump said that the American people are tired of



为什么需要病毒采样管和转移管?无论是病毒流行的诊断还是病毒病的研究, 需要更安全、更准确的病毒采样管/转移管. HiMedia生产的HiViralTM病毒采样/转移管, 国际知名生物公司, 可以更好地保存病毒的活力和毒力,使 …



全球确诊病例超4024万例, 专家警告美国可能出现第三波疫情 青年网: 美联社 据Worldometer网站实时统计, 作为 6:30 十月上午 19, 北京时间, 总共 4,0243,940 全球范围内已确诊 COVID-19 病例, 总共有 1,117,893 死亡人数, 超过 …

1 在 41 在美国的人. 感染新冠

1 在 41 在美国的人. 感染新冠

1 在 41 在美国的人. 感染新冠 每日经济新闻 10-17 09:32 平均 1 在 41 美国民众感染新冠. 辉瑞计划11月申请紧急疫苗授权. 世界卫生组织表示,地塞米松仍然是治疗重症的唯一有效药物 …

  • 关于我们

    医药科技有限公司, 有限责任公司. 是中国医疗用品的专业制造商, 我们生产和销售尼龙植绒棉签, VTM套件, 唾液收集套件和 CHG 拭子 & 涂抹器.

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