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Suifenhe, Heilongjiang, 2 new local swab confirmed cases yesterday

Suifenhe, Heilongjiang, 2 new local swab confirmed cases yesterday

Suifenhe, Heilongjiang, 2 new local swab confirmed cases yesterday Beijing Daily Client On December 13, 2020, Suifenhe, Heilongjiang, 2 new local swab confirmed cases yesterday, and there were no new asymptomatic infections. 作为 24:00 十二月 13, 2020, 目前有 9 确诊病例 (2 in Dongning City, 6 in Suifenhe City, 和 1 imported from Tahe County), 和 …

Some countries in the Middle East are preparing to vaccinate COVID-19 one after another

Some countries in the Middle East are preparing to vaccinate COVID-19 one after another

December 11-Xinhua News Agency reporters in the Middle East reported that the COVID-19 epidemic is still spreading in the Middle East, and the number of new cases in a single day in many countries continues to be high. 现在, some countries have started preparations for vaccination against COVID-19. The Saudi Arabian Ministry of Health announced on the 10 th …

白宫威胁 FDA 11 日批准新冠疫苗

白宫威胁 FDA 11 日批准新冠疫苗

人民日报海外网 白宫11日威胁FDA批准新冠疫苗, 白宫11日威胁FDA批准新冠疫苗: 否则主任应该辞职 白宫威胁 FDA 专员 (左边) 11日批准新冠疫苗. (盖蒂图片社) 海外网络, 十二月 12, 美国媒体报道 …



对于 COVID-19 的肺炎流行, 在许多国家仍在肆虐, 病毒溯源一直是全球科学家的重点工作之一. 随着越来越多的研究成果被公开, 许多证据表明,武汉可能不是 “COVID-19 的来源” 正如一些外国媒体所说. 来自意大利米兰大学的学者和 …

美洲: 美国有两种 COVID-19 疫苗正在等待批准

美洲: 美国有两种 COVID-19 疫苗正在等待批准

In December, pneumonia in COVID-19 is still raging all over the world, and new confirmed cases in many countries have reached a new high in recent days. According to the latest data, 多于 68 million people have been diagnosed with infection and over 1.55 million people have died in the world. Althoughthere is still a long way to

4 四川新增新型冠状病毒肺炎确诊病例

4 四川新增新型冠状病毒肺炎确诊病例

4 北京日报客户端报道 四川新增新型冠状病毒肺炎确诊病例, 十二月 10, 4 四川省新增新型冠状病毒肺炎确诊病例 1 新增治愈出院病例. 无新增疑似病例、无新增死亡病例. 新增确诊病例: 案件 1: 男性, 72 岁, 生活在集体中 11 …

4,725 成都确诊女孩的一般接触者

4,725 成都确诊女孩的一般接触者

4,725 据中青网报道,成都确诊女孩的一般接触者, 4,725 成都确诊女孩一般接触者已被隔离控制. 作为 18:00 12月9日, 72 人们有密切接触, 49 有密切接触者, 和 4,725 有一般接触. 全部处于隔离控制状态. 除了 4 等待的人们 …



疫情防控举措如何打好? 每日经济新闻发布: 疫情防控举措如何打好?西部专家: 未来3~5天是关键 9 十二月的晚上一点 8, 成都市政府召开疫情防控工作新闻发布会通报防控工作 …

澳门公民将自愿免费接种新冠肺炎 (COVID-19) 疫苗

澳门公民将自愿免费接种新冠肺炎 (COVID-19) 疫苗

Macao novel coronavirus Infection Response Coordination Center said on the 7th that the SAR Government is actively contacting suppliers for ordering COVID-19 vaccines, and the future vaccination of Macao citizens is voluntary and free. The Emergency Response Coordination Center stressed that the SAR Government expects to introduce the first batch of vaccines by the end of the year, 和 …

Three New Confirmed Cases Were Reported In Chengdu

Three New Confirmed Cases Were Reported In Chengdu

According to the official micro-news of healthy Chengdu, on December 8th, 从 0: 00 到 6: 00, 3 new cases of COVID-19 pneumonia were confirmed in Chengdu. One of them was found by close contact screening of confirmed cases in Pidu District yesterday, and the other two were found by nucleic acid screening of residents in Taiping Village. Relevant information



No local confirmed cases has been broken According to Xiaoxiang Morning News, the situation of no local confirmed cases has been broken, and Chengdu held an overnight meeting to deploy a comprehensive flow of traceability. In the daytime on December 7, a new confirmed case of new coronary pneumonia was added in the Pidu District of Chengdu, breaking the trend



“关于疫苗, 未来一到两周将会有重大消息。” 12月4日, Wang Junzhi, 疫苗研发专家组副组长&科研团队D特等班、中国工程院院士, 发表演讲 “COVID-19肺炎疫苗及药物研发进展&丁” 在第八届世界会议上 …

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