» 公司新闻 » Americas: 美国有两种 COVID-19 疫苗正在等待批准

美洲: 美国有两种 COVID-19 疫苗正在等待批准


在十二月, Covid-19的肺炎仍在​​世界各地肆虐, 最近几天,许多国家的新确认案件已达到新的高度. 根据最新数据, 多于 68 百万人被诊断出感染及以上 1.55 世界上有百万人死亡. 虽然 “there is still a long way to goto end the epidemic, as WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said, the progress of vaccine research and development in COVID-19 makes people begin to seethe light at the end of the tunnel”. In response to the epidemic, Russia and Britain have taken the lead in vaccinating people, some countries have announced the vaccination plan in COVID-19, and some countries are actively ordering vaccines.

现在, there are two COVID-19 vaccines in the United States awaiting the approval of the Food and Drug Administration (食品药品监督管理局), which are the vaccines jointly developed by German Biotechnology Company and Pfizer Pharmaceutical Co., 有限公司, and the vaccines of American Mardner Company. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) predicts that if FDA authorizes the emergency use of these two COVID-19 vaccines in mid-December this year, the supply will reach 40 million doses by the end of this year, which will cover about 20 million people. Experts say that COVID-19 vaccine may not be widely vaccinated in the United States until the spring of 2021. CDC voted on the 1st of this month, suggesting that American state and local governments should give priority to medical workers, long-term residents of nursing homes and nursing staff as the first vaccination targets of COVID-19 vaccine.

The Canadian government announced on the 7th that it will receive the first batch of 249,000 doses of COVID-19 vaccine jointly developed by German Biotechnology Company and Pfizer Pharmaceuticals Co., 有限责任公司. These vaccines are expected to give priority to the vulnerable groups, which are specifically planned by the provinces themselves. 有 14 vaccine distribution centers in Canada. Brazilian Health Minister Eduardo Pazoelo said on the 8th that his country signed a letter of intent for cooperation with Pfizer Pharmaceuticals Co., 有限责任公司. of the United States, ordering more than 70 million doses of vaccines. 在同一天, after meeting with the governors of various States, Pazionelo stated that the government would open up procurement channels to obtain any effective COVID-19 vaccine approved by the Brazilian National Health Supervision Bureau.

The Mexican Foreign Minister announced to the media on the 8th that the country will receive 250,000 doses of COVID-19 vaccine in December, and will give priority to vaccinating medical workers this month.

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