» 行业新闻 » 52 新增确诊病例 31 省份

52 新增确诊病例 31 省份


从 0: 00 到 24: 00 在一月 28, 52 新增确诊病例 31 省份 (自治区、直辖市) 及新疆生产建设兵团, 包含 16 输入病例 (9 上海的案例, 5 广东个案, 1 天津案例 1 湖南案例) 和 36 本地案例 (21 cases in Heilongjiang, 13 cases in Jilin, 1 case in Beijing and 1 case in Hebei).

There are no new deaths; 有 2 new suspected cases, 包含 1 imported case (在上海) 和 1 local case (in Beijing). 在那一天, 70 new cases were cured and discharged, 1448 close contacts were released from medical observation, 和 6 cases of severe cases decreased compared with the previous day. 有 300 确诊病例 (包含 4 严重病例) 和 1 suspected case imported from overseas.

总共 4673 cases were confirmed, 和 4373 cases were cured and discharged without death. 作为 24: 00 在一月 28, according to the reports of 31 省份 (自治区、直辖市) 及新疆生产建设兵团, 有 1802 确诊病例 (包含 99 严重病例), 82940 cases have been cured and discharged, 4636 cases have died, 89378 cases have been reported and 2 cases have been suspected.

总共 963,237 close contacts were tracked, 和 38,876 close contacts were still under medical observation. 31 省份 (自治区、直辖市) 和新疆生产建设兵团报道 42 新增无症状感染者 (19 从国外进口); 12 cases were confirmed on the same day (1 case was imported from abroad); 在同一天, 22 cases were released from medical observation (13 cases were imported from abroad); 有 996 asymptomatic infected people under medical observation (293 从国外进口).

总共 11,263 confirmed cases were reported from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan. 其中, 有 10321 cases in Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (9239 cases discharged and 177 病例死亡), 47 cases in Macao Special Administrative Region (46 cases discharged) 和 895 cases in Taiwan Province (809 cases discharged and 7 病例死亡).

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