» 行業新聞 » Zhang Boli: 福建COVID-19疫情形勢依然嚴峻, 但我相信一個月左右就能控制住

Zhang Boli: 福建COVID-19疫情形勢依然嚴峻, 但我相信一個月左右就能控制住


the situation of COVID-19 epidemic in Fujian

By September 21, 44 new cases had been confirmed in Fujian, 以及總共 1,213 cases had been diagnosed.

In an interview with Xinjing News Shell Finance, Zhang Boli, the recipient of the national honorary title ofPeople’s Hero”, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and honorary president of Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, said that the epidemic in Fujian is still on the rise, but he believes that the epidemic in Fujian can be controlled within a month or so.

Zhang Boli

Zhang Boli said that since the emergence of confirmed cases on September 10, the number of confirmed cases of new crown pneumonia in Fujian Province has continued to grow for many days, distributed in Putian, Xiamen and Quanzhou. 根據目前的情況, this outbreak in Fujian has the following characteristics.

第一的, the outbreak was triggered by the importation of Delta variant strains. Delta variant strains have high viral load, high transmission capacity, fast transmission, and long turnaround time. 第二, the latent transmission period is long, and the Putian outbreak was found before or has been spread in schools for 10 days.Third, the point of transmission is special, and schools have become the point of transmission, which is very different from previous outbreaks, with more children infected, increasing the difficulty of tracing the source and prevention and control. 第四, compared with the outbreaks in Yangzhou and Nanjing, the current round of outbreaks currently has more confirmed cases of mild and asymptomatic infections, and the overall age of the infected is young.

Zhang Boli pointed out that although the epidemic has not yet spread outside the province on a large scale, and is currently being stepped up to screen for traceability, there is still a risk of it continuing to spread to other areas in the short term, so it should not be taken lightly. The situation is more complicated than in Yangzhou and Nanjing, Fujian, 感染群體仍在上升,傳播鏈尚未完全識別和阻斷的地方, 且短期內仍有蔓延至其他地區的風險.
“防控已到最關鍵階段. 但在我國多地以往防控經驗的基礎上, 堅持科學有效的追溯, 專注於中西醫結合治療, 努力提高治愈率,預防院內感染, 相信一個月左右,福建的疫情就能得到控制。” 張伯禮說.




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