» 行業新聞 » What Should I Pay Attention to when Doing Nucleic Acid Testing?




1. 避免嘔吐, 不要吃 2 抽樣前幾個小時

2. 避免影響測試結果, 30 採樣前幾分鐘, 不吸煙, 喝或嚼口香糖

3. 在進入核酸測試的途中, 戴上醫療面具,盡量不要進行公共交通工具

4. 保持安全距離超過 1 meter in line, do not talk to others, 不要聚集

5. To avoid the risk of cross-infection, all testers must wear 面具, and it is best to prepare a spare mask

6. During the detection process, do not touch the related items at the collection point with your hands

7. Reduce swallowing and throat clearing when you will be examined

8. 收藏後, leave the collection site immediately to avoid spitting and vomiting around the collection site


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