» 行業新聞 » What Are the Advantages of 10-in-1 Mixed Sampling Testing



10 在 1 混合抽樣測試意味著之後 10 人們分別採樣, the samples are put into the same 病毒採樣管. 這種混合抽樣測試模式適用於大規模測試項目,並具有有效篩选和資源的優勢.


病毒採樣管僅放置一個人的樣本, which will cause high testing costs and long testing time, which is not suitable for large-scale nucleic acid testing. 一般來說, this is only used in high-risk areas and key populations.

When using the 10-in-1 mixed sampling test, the result is negative, which means that all 10 人們都是消極的. 相反, once a positive or weak positive is found, it will be traced immediately, and a single-tube swab will be collected again for review, and then it will be determined which of the 10 people is positive.

所以, the cost of 10 在 1 mixed mining is relatively low. This also caused the 10-in-1 mixed sampling mode to be 10 times faster than the previous single-player sampling mode.


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