» 公司新聞 » Use of flock swab extract card to crack the series of theft



DNA extraction method

Flocking swabs

In the criminal cases, 大部分竊盜案件具有發案率高、破案率低的特點, 犯罪者的反偵察意識逐漸增強. 在犯罪的時候, 鞋套, 經常使用手套和頭套給現場取證帶來一些困難 .

對於陽台被盜的情況, criminals often cling to the floor without gloves when climbing, leaving exfoliated cells at the site of contact. 然而, due to its difficult to be found and extraction and many other factors, the direct impact on the site of biological samples and post-DNA testing

在這種情況下, it is possible to obtain the DNA typing of the criminals by extracting and testing the skin contact site of the crime scene. 然而, how to determine the extraction range and choose the extraction method according to the specific situation is the key factor that determines the success of the inspection.

Common methods of extraction are sticking, adsorption, swab transfer and other methods, while the traditional extraction method using secondary transfer brings DNA loss, pollution and other risks. In this experiment, flocking swabs were used for extraction. The swabs were easily broken at the preset breaking point to enter the tubes for direct extraction and to improve the success rate of the tests

Flock swabs are recently introduced as a DNA extraction method on the market, long hand lengths and different specifications of swab swabs to provide first-dimension swab top advantages, rapid adsorption capacity and excellent release efficiency Limited or trace DNA provides a guarantee, especially for room and contact with exfoliative cells. Ordinary cotton swab is made of thousands
Rice fiber wound around the top of the plastic rod formed a matrix environment, the arrangement of many gaps, the adhesion of cells trapped in these gaps, it is difficult to be released. Flocked swabs utilize patented Nippon fiber flocking technology to maximize DNA extraction and elution efficiency. Unlike traditional cotton swabs, the flock swab designs a brush-like structurethe nylon fibers are perpendicular to the substrate so that the entire sample collection area has no internal absorption holes and will not scatter and retain in the fibers, resulting in more Faster and more efficient elution.
此外, flocking swabs have a strong antibacterial effect, 樣品無需乾燥即可直接轉移至試管中, can withstand more humid conditions in order to achieve the efficient transfer of cells to obtain the maximum useful evidence information

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