» 公司新聞 “ 我們. newly diagnosed 180,000 new crown swabs in a single day

我們. newly diagnosed 180,000 new crown swabs in a single day


我們. newly diagnosed 180,000 new crown swabs in a single day

The epidemic has worsened, election disputes, 我們. newly diagnosed 180,000 new crown swabs in a single day. The United States has recently become the focus of global attention.

我們. expert: The uncontrolled epidemic in the United States is like a massacre

約翰·霍普金斯大學在美國發布的最新統計數據表明,截至 16:25 on the 13th, Eastern time, 美國新冠肺炎累計確診病例達 10,693,773, and the number of deaths reached 243,466. 在過去 24 小時, 有 180,705 newly confirmed cases in the United States, a record high, 和 939 new deaths.

The new crown pneumonia epidemic in the United States continues to worsen, and the number of new cases is rising every day. On the 12th local time, many American experts said in an interview with the media that the out-of-control epidemic in the United States is a humanitarian disaster, like a massacre.

CNN Chief Medical Correspondent Sanjay Gupta: The epidemic in the United States is a humanitarian disaster, and it may be the worst report since I worked in this media. The epidemic was terrible. The worst was Haiti (這 2010 earthquake) which caused about 200,000 死亡人數, but the situation was completely different at that time. It was a natural disaster.

Peter Hottz, director of the National School of Tropical Medicine at Baylor University School of Medicine in the United States, also said that this epidemic is like a massacre, so many lives should not have died.


我們. newly diagnosed 180,000 new crown swabs in a single day 我們. newly diagnosed 180,000 new crown swabs in a single day


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