» 行業新聞 » 天津: 添加了新的本地拭子測試案例

天津: 添加了新的本地拭子測試案例


新的本地拭子測試案例, Tianjin enters wartime state
According to the Beijing Daily News: 天津: 添加了新的本地拭子測試案例, 而天津已經進入戰時狀態.
天津召開疫情防控新聞發布會. 會上獲悉,自 18:00 十一月 7 至 8:00 8號, local swab testing cases were increased, and Tianjin entered a wartime state.

He is a loading and unloading worker of Tianjin Hailian Frozen Food Co., 有限公司. He is an ordinary case and has no history of contact with suspected cases. Tianjin quickly entered a wartime state and cooperated with the Health Commission and other relevant departments to implement early detection, 早期報告, early isolation, early treatment, and concentrated treatment measures.

調查後, it was found that 11 people in Tianjin with a history of common exposure were negative for the first new coronavirus nucleic acid test; 這 8 close contacts that had been determined were isolated for medical observation and nucleic acid testing, 結果全都是陰性. Other relevant contacts are being investigated, 工作場所、住所均已進行終末消毒. 現在, 冷庫已被密封並受控, 以及核酸樣本 156 大樓內的住戶居住已經完成 (結果待公佈). 工作人員正在對小區其他居民一一進行核酸採樣.

天津海關: 全力以赴做好口岸進口冷鏈食品監管工作

Hou Jinpo, 天津海關黨委員、副關長, 天津海關介紹, 依黨中央、國務院要求, 並依海關總署、天津市防控指揮部部署安排, will go all out to monitor the risks of cold chain food entering the Tianjin port. Work, now make a report on the relevant situation:

In view of the characteristics of imported frozen products at Tianjin Port and the requirements for epidemic prevention and control, Tianjin Customs will go all out to do a good job in the supervision of imported cold chain food at the port.

In accordance with the requirements of the Tianjin Joint Prevention and Control Headquarters, and in accordance with the procedures and work standards determined by the State Council’s Joint Prevention and Control Mechanism, we will fully support and cooperate with the Tianjin Municipal Health Commission, the Market Supervision Commission and other relevant departments in the prevention and control work.

Follow-up disposal of goods shall be done in strict accordance with regulations. Implement comprehensive disinfection measures for the goods of related enterprises; further strengthen the monitoring and disinfection of cold chain goods at the port, strict supervision measures, and resolutely guard the line of defense at the port.

Binhai New Area: Nucleic acid tests for all relevant personnel, no positive results

在 7:00 十一月 8, Haihe Hospital reported a confirmed case of novel coronavirus pneumonia.

Investigation of positive nucleic acid tests

This batch of positive frozen pork knuckles came from the Port of Bremerhaven, 德國. They arrived at the Pacific Wharf of Tianjin Port at 0:45 在十月 19. 在 11:16, the containers with the cargo were unloaded at the cold box yard of the Pacific Wharf Company. , The whole process of unloading operation is to unload the whole container by machine without opening the container and without personnel contact.

在 12:30 on November 5th, 這 28.10603 tons of goods were all loaded into containers and all were transported to Dezhou, Shandong by vehicles arranged by Beijing Sanchuan Jinzhou Trading Co., 有限公司.

Confirmed case status and movement track

The patient’s native place is Hebei Province, and now lives in a community on Hangu Street, living with 8 other colleagues in the unit.

Have not been to a community where confirmed cases or asymptomatic infections have been reported in the country within 14 天; have no travel history or residence history in an overseas epidemic country or region; have not been in contact with a community where people with confirmed cases or asymptomatic infections have reported fever and/ Or patients with respiratory symptoms; have not been in contact with patients with fever and/or respiratory symptoms from overseas countries or regions with epidemics; there is no contact history of confirmed cases or asymptomatic infections; no cluster disease.

Investigation of close contacts of confirmed cases

It was determined through investigation that there were a total of 8 close contacts of the patient from 2 days before sampling to before isolation, all of whom were colleagues who lived in the same vehicle during the patient’s trajectory, and none of them had a history of travel in other places. After an epidemiological investigation of 8 密切聯繫, 這 8 人們彼此密切接觸, 並且沒有其他密切接觸者. 現在, 這 8 人員已接受隔離醫學觀察.


同時, 採取貨物和人員兩痕追蹤措施.


有 12 天津民眾接觸陽性貨物. 除已公佈的患者外, 其餘人的檢測結果均為陰性. 進一步擴大檢測範圍, 對人員進行集中隔離醫學觀察和核酸檢測 59 其他相關聯絡人及相關人員. 結果待公佈.


陽性病例的所有密切接觸者, 所居住大樓內的所有居民, 以及冷庫裡的其餘工作人員, 全部轉移至隔離點進行集中隔離醫學觀察 (目前已完成), 其餘人員實施居家隔離醫學觀察,對個案居住環境及工作環境進行終末消毒. 在常規檢測的基礎上, 以三天時間對全區冷庫及冷鏈物流相關人員進行全覆蓋核酸檢測.

 天津: 添加了新的本地拭子測試案例 天津: 添加了新的本地拭子測試案例


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