» 行業新聞 » The United States Added More Than 1 昨天有 100 萬例 COVID-19 新病例

美國新增超過 1 昨天有 100 萬例 COVID-19 新病例


The United States added more than 1 million new cases of COVID-19 yesterday

據彭博社報道, 在一月 3, 美國報告超過 1 單日新增 10 萬例新確診的 COVID-19 病例. 這一數字創造了單一國家單日 COVID-19 的全球新紀錄。 3 were almost twice as many as the new record set in the United States just four days ago (590,000 案例). The latest statistics released by Johns Hopkins University in the United States show that as of 14:00 on the 4th, 北京時間, the cumulative number of confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the United States exceeded 56 百萬, 且累計死亡人數超過 820,000. The report pointed out that at present, many Americans rely on their own home-based COVID-19 tests, and these test results are usually not reported to official government agencies. 據報導, this means that the currently announced confirmed cases of COVID-19 may beseverely underestimated.

It is reported that the surge of confirmed cases in the United States may cause the government to consider adjusting epidemic prevention measures. 此外, some companies are encouraging employees to return to work from home.


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