» 公司新聞 » The Role of Buccal Smear in Genetic Testing



基因檢測徹底改變了醫學和血統研究領域. 頰塗片, 非侵入性方法, 在此過程中發揮著至關重要的作用. 在這篇博文中, 我們將探討頰塗片的意義, 他們的優勢, 及其在基因檢測的應用.


頰塗片涉及從臉頰內層收集細胞 (buccal mucosa) using a small brush or swab. These cells are then analyzed for genetic information. This method is preferred for its simplicity and non-invasive nature.

How to Collect Samples for Buccal Smear

The collection process is straightforward. A healthcare professional or individual gently rubs a swab inside the cheek for a few seconds. The collected sample is then placed in a container for laboratory analysis.

Step-by-Step Collection Process

  1. 準備: Ensure hands are clean and the swab is sterile.
  2. 收藏: Rub the swab against the inside of the cheek.
  3. 貯存: Place the swab in a sterile container.
  4. Submission: Send the sample to a laboratory for analysis.

Advantages of Buccal Smear in Genetic Testing

Buccal smears offer several benefits over other sample collection methods like blood draws or tissue biopsies.

Non-Invasive and Painless

One of the primary advantages is that buccal smears are non-invasive and painless, making them suitable for individuals of all ages, including infants and the elderly.

Easy and Convenient

The process is quick and can be done at home, which increases accessibility and convenience.


Because of its simplicity, a buccal smear is often more cost-effective compared to other methods.

Applications of Buccal Smear in Genetic Testing

Buccal smears are widely used in various fields due to their ease of collection and reliability.

Medical Diagnostics

They help in diagnosing genetic disorders, identifying carriers of genetic conditions, and personalizing medical treatments.

Ancestry and Paternity Testing

Buccal smears are commonly used in ancestry research and paternity testing due to their non-invasive nature.


Researchers use buccal smears for large-scale genetic studies, allowing for the collection of numerous samples with minimal discomfort to participants.


Here are some of the best sterile swabs and kits for buccal smear:



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