Zhong Nanshan: There will be no large-scale outbreak in winter in China People’s Daily Overseas Network released, Zhong Nanshan: There will be no large-scale outbreaks of epidemics in China in winter. Zhong Nanshan talked about the transmission of the new coronavirus from person to person: The virus is “passed from person to person”, at what concentration it will be contagious, …
11月16日, 2020 廣州國際生物論壇在廣州國際生物島舉行, 主題為 “科技創新引領健康未來”. Zhong Nanshan, 共和國勳章得主、中國工程院院士, 鐘南山出席論壇並致辭: COVID-19 的可追溯性尚未完成. Zhong Nanshan …
鐘南山表示相信,隨著各國採取有力措施, 全球疫情可以控制. “我覺得應該是四月底左右, 疫情應該會下降。” 四月 1, 鐘南山院士接受深圳衛視採訪. 主要內容如下: Zhong Nanshan …