自年底以來 2019, 第七種人類冠狀病毒 SARS-CoV-2 (SARS-CoV-2) 已感染超過 80 全球百萬人, 超過 1.77 數百萬人失去生命. 疫情爆發之初, 即使是訓練有素的病毒學家也無法立即判斷情況, 和的影子 “不明原因肺炎” 籠罩人類社會一段時間. 在 …
Combined with comprehensive epidemiological investigation and big data analysis, the researchers revealed that the virus source in the concentrated epidemic situation in Xinfadi market in Beijing is very likely to be cold chain imported food in overseas epidemic areas, and proposed that cold chain transportation may be a new way for SARS-CoV-2 to spread. On June 11, 2020, a case …
Virus sampling tube is a complete set of centrifugal tubes for sampling and transporting influenza virus, 微生物採樣和運輸管中的手足口病病毒和其他病毒, 也稱為標本輸送管. 適用於流感病毒採樣 (普通流感, 高致病性禽流感, 甲型 H1N1 流感病毒, 等等。), 手足口病病毒和其他類型的病毒. …
6 新型冠狀病毒檢測方法, 他們如何檢測病毒? 1. Fluorescence PCR method The PCR method refers to the polymerase chain reaction, which can greatly increase the trace amount of DNA. When used to detect the new coronavirus, because the new coronavirus is an RNA virus, it is necessary to reverse transcribe the viral RNA into DNA before …
適用範圍: 疑似病例, 疾病控制和檢測, 優先選擇P3實驗室 產品特點: 1. 升級後的HANK’S溶液添加了牛血清白蛋白, 為病毒提供營養,保持其活力和毒力. 2. 保存液中加入抗生素, 提高了常溫保存的採樣液的抑菌效果 …