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Mutated viruses are more likely to spread from person to person On the 22nd local time, the WHO released information about the mutated new coronavirus in the UK, saying that the mutated viruses are more likely to spread from person to person. Infectivity increased by 40%-70%! The mutated new coronavirus may have spread in the United States The official notification issued



美國約翰霍普金斯大學最新統計, 作為 23: 28 在八月 31, 北京時間, 有超過 25.25 百萬確診病例及以上 840,000 全球 COVID-19 死亡人數. 有超過 6 美國確診病例數百萬, 且校園疫情持續蔓延; India has


Covid-19 病毒傳播最遠 4 米, 鞋底也可以傳播

Covid-19 病毒傳播最遠 4 米, and the sole can also spread Recently, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention issued an early warning that the new coronavirus can spread in the air up to 13 腳 (關於 4 米), and it may also be contaminated to the soles of shoes and cause transmission. This information is

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