植絨拭子又可分為鼻咽拭子, 口腔拭子, 婦科拭子, DNA 拭子, 細胞取樣拭子, ETC. 根據不同的目的, 供各實驗室檢測中心和醫院使用. 採樣植絨拭子比傳統纏繞拭子採集樣本和釋放樣本量高出三倍, 並且不會對電池造成損害 …
在實際抗疫抗疫工作場景中, 醫護人員判斷採集口腔拭子還是鼻拭子其實是有科學依據的. 由於鼻拭子在採樣過程中, 被採樣者只需要露出鼻子, 採樣器暴露在病毒環境中的概率低. 針對高危人群, 這樣的 …
Introduction of oral swabs In the use of Medico oral swab should pay attention to packaging signs, to check whether the packaging is damaged, such as damaged, 嚴格禁止. This sampling method is suitable for DNA sample collection in any age group. Step up: 步 1: prepare a cup of water, drink about 50 ml of water to wash the …