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MEIDIKE GENE 糞便收集套件使用綜合指南

收集糞便樣本可能不是最令人愉快的任務, 但這對於診斷各種健康狀況至關重要. 正確使用 MEIDIKE GENE 糞便採集套件可確保您獲得準確的樣本. 本指南將引導您完成流程的每個步驟, 從準備到將樣本郵寄到實驗室. 了解 MEIDIKE GENE 糞便收集套件 …


The Fecal Collection Kit is designed to provide a convenient, hygienic, and efficient way to collect fecal samples for GI microbial testing. This kit includes all necessary tools to ensure a simple and user-friendly sample collection process, making it ideal for both home use and clinical settings. Product Parameters Product Name Fecal Collection Kit/Fecal Sampling Kit/Stool Specimen Collection/Stool Collection Kit/Stool

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    醫療技術公司, 有限公司. 是中國醫療用品的專業製造商, 我們生產和銷售尼龍植絨棉籤, VTM套件, 唾液收集套件和 CHG 拭子 & 塗抹器.

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