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年僅四歲的兒童就可以自行拭子進行 COVID-19 檢測

A new study suggests that school aged children can swab their own samples for COVID-19 testing, according to clinical researchers from Atlanta’s Emory University School of Medicine and Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta. Before this study, the FDA imposed regulations that prevented children younger than age 14 years from self-swabbing for COVID-19. New data led researchers to suggest updating this policy

如何收集用於 Covid-19 測試的中鼻拭子樣本

COVID-19 中鼻拭子採集說明 1. 指導患者將頭向後傾斜 70 度數. 2. 使用手套並保持尖端無菌, 取出棉籤. 3. 旋轉時, 將棉籤插入一英寸或更少,直到在鼻甲處遇到阻力. 4. 旋轉拭子 3-5 times against the nasal wall and repeat in the other nostril

COVID-19 疫情在西安發展

  食品快遞員在西安一個封閉的居民區為社會工作者運送物資, Shaanxi province, 星期六. [攝影:YUAN JINGZHI/FOR CHINA DAILY] 西安全市封鎖和大規模 COVID-19 測試, 中國西北陝西省省會, 使城市能夠降低傳播風險, 但當地疫情仍在發展, local authorities said

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    醫療技術公司, 有限公司. 是中國醫療用品的專業製造商, 我們生產和銷售尼龍植絨棉籤, VTM套件, 唾液收集套件和 CHG 拭子 & 塗抹器.

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