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3 COVID-19 PCR 檢測的關鍵步驟

The PCR test has been the gold standard test for diagnosing COVID-19, it’s accurate and reliable. There are three key steps to the COVID-19 PCR test: 樣品採集: A healthcare provider uses a swab to collect respiratory material found in your nose. A swab is a soft tip on a long, flexible stick that goes into your nose. 有 …

COVID-19 PCR 檢測有什麼區別, 抗原測試, 和抗體測試?

There are two kinds of tests available for COVID-19: viral tests and antibody tests. RT-PCR test and antigen test are both viral test which detects the presence of SAR-CoV-2 from upper respiratory samples. The RT-PCR test targets the genomic information of the virus (核糖核酸); 然而, the COVID-19 antigen test kit detects pieces of proteins that make up the SARS-CoV-2 virus. …

什麼是 COVID-19 PCR 檢測?

什麼是 COVID-19 PCR 檢測?

COVID-19 鼻拭子 PCR 檢測是診斷 COVID-19 的準確可靠的檢測方法. 檢測呈陽性意味著您可能患有 COVID-19. 檢測呈陰性意味著您在檢測時可能沒有感染 COVID-19. 如果您有 COVID-19 症狀或接觸過 COVID-19 檢測呈陽性的人,請接受檢測. 什麼 …

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