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COVID-19流行病浪潮結束, 假期無明顯反彈

當前中國的COVID-19疫情浪潮已經結束, 並且春節假期病毒沒有明顯反彈, 中國疾控中心近日表示. 此外, 在最近的流行期間沒有發現新的病毒突變, 中國疾病預防控制中心在 1 月的一份報告中說 25. 該報告匯集了國家監測數據 …

我國單管核酸檢測能力已超過 100 每天百萬管

在十月 13, at the press conference of the Joint Prevention and Control Mechanism of the State Council, Liang Wannian, head of the expert group of the National Health Commission’s Leading Group for Epidemic Response and Disposal, said that the key to the prevention and control of the COVID-19 epidemic is “早期發現”, and nucleic acid testing is the key

the situation of COVID-19 epidemic in Fujian

Zhang Boli: 福建COVID-19疫情形勢依然嚴峻, 但我相信一個月左右就能控制住

By September 21, 44 new cases had been confirmed in Fujian, 以及總共 1,213 cases had been diagnosed. In an interview with Xinjing News Shell Finance, Zhang Boli, the recipient of the national honorary title ofPeople’s Hero”, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and honorary president of Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, said that the



新華社, Doha, January 28-Comprehensive Xinhua News Agency reporters in the Middle East reported: The recent trend of COVID-19 epidemic in Middle East countries is different. Kuwait reported that the confirmed rate in COVID-19 increased slightly in January compared with last month. Qatar reported that the number of COVID-19 cases visiting hospitals every week has gradually decreased. Algeria, Lebanon

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