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天津市無症狀感染者轉為確診病例 紅星新聞記者從天津市疾管中心獲悉,11月 22, 天津無症狀感染者轉診病例. 總共 146 已報告病例, 包括 82 男性和 64 女性; 9 病例在醫院 (包括 2 重症病例和普通病例). 6 案例 …

the number of new crown vaccination

無症狀感染者? 我需要做抽樣拭子測試嗎?

無症狀感染者? 我需要做抽樣拭子測試嗎? Symptomatic infection and asymptomatic infection are two sides of the same coin. If there are many asymptomatic infections in the country, there will be many symptomatic infections at the same time. There are currently no confirmed cases in Shanghai, so I backtrack that there is no asymptomatic infection in

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