» 公司新聞 » We Saw The Virus, 但我們不知道它從哪裡來,也不知道它是如何來的

我們看到了病毒, 但我們不知道它從哪裡來,也不知道它是如何來的


自年底以來 2019, 第七種人類冠狀病毒 SARS-CoV-2 (SARS-CoV-2) 已感染超過 80 全球百萬人, 超過 1.77 數百萬人失去生命. 疫情爆發之初, 即使是訓練有素的病毒學家也無法立即判斷情況, 和的影子 “不明原因肺炎” 籠罩人類社會一段時間.

In the face of such new infectious diseases, scientists charge ahead and shoulder the heavy responsibility of finding out thereal murderer”. “此時, competent scientists are needed to make judgments, draw conclusions, and report them to relevant departments.In an interview with a reporter from The Paper (www.thepaper.cn), a domestic virologist stressed that it is especially important to have scientists with this ability and responsibility in the early stage of the epidemic.

This is not an easy task. In April 2020, after the outbreak, Susan R. Weiss, an American microbiologist who has been studying coronavirus for 40 年, published an article in the American Journal of Experimental Medicine (JEM), feeling that when she first entered the field of coronavirus, there were far fewer coronavirus researchers.

In the autumn of 1980, the first International Conference on Coronavirus was held in Wü rzburg, 德國. 當時, Weiss was invited to attend the conference, 以及關於 60 people attended the conference, almost the global researchers in this field at that time. “Every pandemic like SARS or COVID-19 will prompt researchers to flood into this field. With the disappearance of the virus, the number of researchers will decrease. 迄今為止, the scientific community is still full of unknowns about human coronavirus. ”

Compared with SARS in 2003, the time for scientists to find out the real murderer is much shorter. In the first few days of January this year, the Chinese research team sequenced the bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) samples of patients and obtained partial or complete genome sequences of SARS-CoV-2. 在一月 9, the results of pathogen identification were reported to the World Health Organization; On January 12th, China registered the genome sequence information of the new coronavirus in the global influenza shared database, and informed the international community about the genome virus data.

Wu Zunyou, chief epidemiologist of the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, said in November 2020 that in the early stage of the COVID-19 outbreak, China only identified the pathogen in seven days and developed diagnostic reagents in two days, creating the shortest record for human beings to know a new infectious disease.

中國青少年網公佈: ABC 週一剛剛宣布 (21英石) 當地時間下午, 我們. 當選總統拜登公開接種了 COVID-19 疫苗. 中國青少年網公佈: ABC 週一剛剛宣布 (21英石) 當地時間下午, 我們. 當選總統拜登公開接種了 COVID-19 疫苗.


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