» 行業新聞 » The results of different sampling swabs on chlamydial antigen detection

The results of different sampling swabs on chlamydial antigen detection


Genital Chlamydia trachomatis

It is a common sexually transmitted disease pathogens, once the infection can cause a variety of diseases, especially for women hurt much. Can cause urethritis. Cervicitis, pelvic inflammatory disease, can be complicated by infertility. In the clinical development of more concealed, the patient infected and not know, can last a year to several years.Therefore, the diagnosis of chlamydia laboratory is of great significance, and specimen collection directly determine the accuracy of the diagnostic results, so choose the appropriate sampling swab, collection method is essential.

nylon flocking swab


1 female cotton swab, wood.
2 male cotton swab, bamboo pole.
3 female polyester swab, plastic feel
4 male polyester swab, metal rod
5 female rayon swab, plastic feel
6 female nylon flocking swab , plastic feel
7 male nylon flocking swab , plastic feel


1, found that flocking swab can increase the vitality of 20% -60% of the bacteria, flocking swab can release more than 80% of the sample even close to full release,
2, flocking swab absorbance higher than cotton swab, 滌綸棉籤, rayon swab. Absorbance CV value is small, indicating that the release of uniform behavior is better
3, nylon flocking swab to ensure accurate test results, significantly reduce the rate of missed, cotton swab most likely to leak test
4 cotton swabs and silk swabs with the strongest water absorption, nylon flocking center, polyester swabs, the worst water absorption, swab suction force and the number of samples collected the relationship between the need for further study.


Comprehensive analysis: In the specimen test, nylon flocking swab is better than polyester swabs, artificial swabs and cotton swabs.


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