» 行業新聞 » Hebei disease control: 初步估計“無. 0 案件”早於12月 15

河北疾控: 初步估計“無. 0 案件”早於12月 15


初步估計 “案例零” 早在12月 15

Beijing Daily Client Announcement On the afternoon of January 10, the Hebei Provincial Government Information Office held a press conference on the prevention and control of the new crown pneumonia epidemic: 河北疾控: preliminary estimates of “不. 0 案件” earlier than December 15

Shi Jian, director of the Emergency Office of the Hebei Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention, and an epidemiologist, said that the current epidemic has not seen an obvious turning point, the risk of spread still exists, and the traceability work is still going on.

The samples of the Shijiazhuang Xingtai case were sequenced and compared, and the results belonged to the European pedigree. In the global public database and the Chinese gene bank search, no highly homologous genome sequence was found.

This can rule out the correlation with previous local epidemics and infer that the virus of this epidemic came from abroad.

The entire genome sequence of the new coronavirus in this epidemic also does not contain the British and South African mutant viruses. Based on the time of onset of the early cases, it is preliminary estimated that “案例零” was earlier than December 15.

來源: Beijing Daily Client | Reporter Li Ruyi

Process Editor: Guo Dan

Preliminary estimate of "Case Zero" 早在12月 15 初步估計 “案例零” 早在12月 15


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